Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm So Bad at Blogging.

Hi there! It has basically been a year since I posted on this blog. I mean really, I don't even know what the point of me having a blog is seeing as I am not a photographer or a fashionista or a foodie... Sorry blogging world that I'm not cool enough for you! Anyway, I do enjoy writing my thoughts about life and the Lord, so I want to get back into blogging and I'd love it if you friendly friends wanted to keep up with it! :)

I say I'm not a modern cool girl, but I'm about to show y'all a craft I just made that I love!

I know. Cool, right? I'm pretty much obsessed with it.
It's so easy and I want you guys to know how to do it, so I'm about to become a phony crafty blogger who posts tutorials on crafts. Whoops.

  1. Buy a canvas. Whatever size you want.
  2. Decide what you want the words to say then buy VINYL letters in whatever size you please. I bought mine at Michael's. I looked at Hobby Lobby but didn't find any. (I could have missed them though!)
  3. Choose whatever color of paint you want. I used acrylic, but the tutorial I used said spray paint works well too.
  4. Firstly, mod podge onto the canvas whatever you want the words to be made of. You can collage with magazine cut outs or use sheet music like I did or us pages from an old book. Whatever your creative little noggin comes up with! I would glue whatever you end up using down to the canvas first, then mod podge over it so that it seals it before you paint.
  5. Then, place your letters on wherever you want them after the mod podge dries.
  6. Right after you place your letters you can paint over the whole canvas. I just did one coat so you could kind of see the sheet music through the paint.
  7. Finally, when the paint dries, carefully take the letters off of the canvas and viola! You have a super classy piece of art in your house/room!

Y'all, please let me know if you want to do this and have questions! Or if you make one send me pictures of what you came up with! I'd love to see them!

Inside Out Youth Camp!
This is turning into a long post, but I feel like there is a lot to be said about the youth camp I attended last week.
I work at Camp Copass, a baptist encampment in Denton, and this year they decided to sponsor five wonderful students from a homeless shelter in Dallas so they could experience camp! I got the amazing opportunity to be the counselor for the girls... Er, girl. I just had one little lady to "counsel" from the shelter. Another staffer from camp, Zach, was the guys counselor and we got to stay in the cabin Faith with the sweetest and most welcoming church ever! Shout out to FBC Dorchester for being so wonderful to us and becoming sweet friends in just five short days! We had so much fun pranking each other and loving on each other throughout the week, but more importantly we got to spend some really awesome time being refreshed and taught by the Word of God! It was a seriously incredible time for me to really learn about being a leader. Because Zach and I were it. What we said was the law, and the students really looked up to us for guidance. I was so grateful to be in that position because for the first time in my life I got to experience praying for people I was in charge of leading. Prayer became a necessity for me because I had NO idea what I was doing with those kiddos. Basically God became my go to when I was scared or confused about what in the world I was supposed to do as a leader to some really special students. And it just felt so right because that's how I'm supposed to view God at all times in my life, but so many times I become comfortable with my situation and lose my childlike need for the Lord's help. 

On that note, I hope that the Lord would constantly give me opportunities to get out of my comfort zone and truly rely on Him as my Father who can help me perfectly.

Sorry for the novel. I just get carried away when I think about God's serious awesomeness in our lives.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the week!

Thanks for reading even though I'm long winded! :)