Saturday, December 4, 2010

Oh, hi no one that reads this blog.

I've decided to put some pizzaz in this thang.

Meaning, as of this moment these blogs will have a little structure. Sounds boring. I know. But I have a
tab bit of an organization problem.

Here's how this will work:
There will be these things I like to call sections that will have specific names so you can easily read that part of my bloggy blog.

Here they be:
"A picture will always be worth a thousand words."
-So you may have experienced this one in my last post. It's lovely, but these darn pictures are a stinkin hassle to get into this thing.

"Let's Be Honest."
This is the part of the show where Kristen comes out and states something random.

"Purple Journal!"
So this little purple book was a prezzy from V Todd. Shout out! It's actually a presh journal that I wrote a bunch of Scriptures in long ago. So erry post I'm gonna type up one of the verses and say a little about what the Scripture meant to me. Yay God's Word!

"Thought Bubbles."
Just the random thoughts of life.

Suze, tonight we had an 18 minute conversation about two words that were written on Jess Patton's wrists.
I love you.


  1. KRISTEN SIDLER :D i love your blog and will be reading it alot. Haha it was a great convo about the wrist writting. Got to go talk to the princeton coach now but looking forward to our skype sesh :)
